go.astrophena.name/tools Module
Personal tools.
Install this program:
$ go install go.astrophena.name/tools/cmd/kp@latest
Kp retrieves passwords and other information from KeePass database files.
To retrieve a password for a specific entry:
$ kp <file> <entry>
To list all entries in the database:
$ kp -l <file>
By default, kp retrieves the password associated with an entry. You can customize the output format using the -f flag, which accepts a Go template string.
The available fields for the template are documented at: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/tobischo/gokeepasslib/v3#Entry.
The password for the KeePass database can be provided via the KP_PASSWORD environment variable. If the environment variable is not set, kp will prompt for the password interactively.